Senior Citizens
A great opportunity to meet other local people and enjoy a light lunch, tea, coffee and biscuits and a good old conversation!
Who We Are
If you live in Kent or Medway and may be feeling isolated or just want to get out of the house and socialise, then why not come along to our weekly drop-in? It’s a great opportunity to meet other local people and enjoy a light lunch, tea, coffee, biscuits and a good old conversation!
We work hard to produce a happy, involved, sociable atmosphere that you would feel welcomed and comfortable within, providing a variety of activities and trips to keep you active and busy.
Our senior citizen’s group is run by volunteers from MACA. We are a caring welcoming group that does our best to keep in touch with members who fall sick or need help or support, especially if you are feeling isolated in the community.
What We Do
You can play dominoes or take part in various craft activities, such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, art, and table games. We also have light refreshments, tea coffee biscuits. We have a range of speakers come to talk about important issues that affect the community, as well as regular visits from Kent Police, and local councillors.
Our group welcomes visitors from Gravesend, and we go and visit the Gravesend group from time to time. We have had young people from the Will Adams Centre come to tell us about what they do at the Centre as well as students from the local Mid Kent College organise activities for us.
We like to go on trips to places of interest and have even been to France as well as London for the Jamaica 50 Years of Independence Celebration. We were honoured to receive a special invitation for the consecration of Bishop Rose–Hudson Wilkin at St Paul’s Cathedral.
Every year we celebrate with our a Christmas meal with delicious food and music. We celebrate anyone’s birthday with a card and singing happy birthday.
So please think about joining our group we would love to see you. To find out more email or call 0844 884 9502.
Where To Find Us
The Senior Citizens Group
Every Tuesday from 1.00pm to 4.00pm
The Sunlight Centre, Richmond Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 1LX